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Welcom to

SealEco appreciates your interest in our company and your visit to our website. Please read this Site Policy carefully before using this website (“the Site”)

By using the Site you agree to the following agreement of Site Policy.


About the Site Policy

  • The Site Policy explains how the information on the Site may be used in order not to violate the copyright and the rules for links to the Site.
  • The Privacy Policy explains how your personal data is handled. Personal data is all the information that can identify you as a user.

Using the information on the Site
The information on this site is general and should not be relied upon or used as the sole basis for making significant decisions. SealEco works constantly with the site in order to make it as correct, complete and updated as possible. However, the information contained on this site is provided “as is” without any expressed or implied warranty of any kind. In no event shall SealEco or any of its subsidiaries be liable for any damages whatsoever arising out of the use of, or inability to use, the information on the Site or any of its linked sites.


  • The contents of the Site are copyright SealEco (or its subsidiaries) and is protected by Swedish and international copyright laws. All rights reserved.
  • Unauthorised use or distribution of any material on the Site may violate copyright, trademark, and other laws and is subject to civil as well as criminal sanctions.
  • The site or any proportion of it may not, except where otherwise indicated, be reproduced, duplicated, copied, transferred, distributed, stored or otherwise exploited for any commercial use without prior written permission by SealEco. Modifications to the contents of the Site are expressly prohibited.
  • The site may contain images that are subject to the copyright rights of their providers.

All links to the site shall be to the home page if not otherwise is agreed in writing with the webmaster of SealEco. When such linking occurs, all material linked from the site shall be opened in a separate window, and may not be presented in connection with the trademark or logotype of any other website.

SealEco Privacy Policy
SealEco takes your privacy seriously. Please read the following to learn more about our Privacy Policy.

What this Privacy Policy covers:
This policy covers how SealEco treats personal information that SealEco collects and receives through the site see below. Personal information is information about you that is personally identifiable like your name, address, email address, phone number, server logs from your browser, your IP-address and cookie information and that is not otherwise publicly available.

This policy does not apply to the practices of companies that SealEco does not own or control, or to people that SealEco does not employ or manage.
SealEco does not assume any responsibility for the privacy practices or the contents of external web sites to which the Site contain links.

What SealEco does with the information

  • SealEco collects personal information such as first name, last name, e-mail address and other information which is voluntarily submitted by the users of the site. The personal information provided by you will be processed for the purpose of providing the information and services you request. ).
  • SealEco automatically receives and records information on our server logs from your browser, including your IP address, cookie information, and the page you request.
  • SealEco uses information for the following general purposes: to improve website content, to get visitor statistics, to fulfill your requests for products and services, and to improve our services.
  • SealEco does not sell the information to any third party.

Site Policy updates
SealEco may at any time revise the terms of this site Policy by updating it. 

Information about cookies
This website contains so-called cookies. According to the Swedish Law – Electronic Communications Act, which entered into force on 25 July 2003 – all visitors to a website with cookies should be informed about:
the website containing cookies, what these cookies are used for, and how cookies can be avoided.

What is a cookie and what is it used for?
A cookie is a small text file which a website transfer to a site visitor’s hard disk or browser to track the site usage. Cookies are used on many websites to provide visitors access to different functions. The information in a cookie makes it possible to follow how a visitor is using the website.

There are two kinds of cookies. One type saves a file for a longer period of time on your computer and its purpose is to facilitate activities of an individual, for example when using functionality that requires log-in, registration, or ordering material. Cookies are used to measure the number of page views and visitors for internal and external statistics. Statistical information is anonymous and does not contain name, e-mail address or any other information that can be connected to one individual.

The other kind of cookie is called “session cookie”. Meanwhile the visitor is surfing a webpage, this cookie is stored temporarily in the cache memory of the computer. The purpose of this is for example to keep track of chosen language. Session cookies are not stored for a longer period on your hard disk, but will disappear when closing your browser.

This website uses both types of cookies in order to make it easier for you to access the information on the Site.

If you don’t accept cookies, you can block these in your browser. The ways of handling cookies might differ between browsers.

If you have any questions or queries regarding the content of the Site Policy, you are welcome to contact us:

SealEco AB
Box 514
SE-331 25 Värnamo, Sweden
Phone: +46 (0)370 510 100

Beste klant,

Gezien de nieuwe maatregelen van onze overheid om het Covid-19 virus het hoofd te bieden, zijn wij genoodzaakt duidelijk te communiceren omtrent onze werking.

  • SealEco blijft open en zal blijven zorgen voor de distributie van onze producten en dit tot zo lang de maatregelen dit toelaten.
  • Prefabricatie gaat gewoon door en zal worden uitgeleverd na uw bestelling.
  • Afhalingen zijn niet meer mogelijk, tenzij op voorhand besteld.
  • Onze Academy sluit zijn deuren. Alle opleidingen, opstarten en controles worden voor onbepaalde tijd opgeschort.

Uiteraard steeds met oog op de gezondheid van onze medewerkers, hun familie en onze klanten en hun naasten.

SealEco Belgium nv