Start » About SealEco

We make waterproofing easy

With SealEco as a partner, you have access to more than 50 years of experience and knowledge. As a leading and forward-thinking company, we are always able to offer you the best solution for your needs. We have an extensive range of project references worldwide, from extreme northern to hot southern temperatures.

In addition to our durable waterproofing systems and solutions, our excellent customer service means we support you throughout the entire project process. We not only offer the right waterproof systems and solutions, we also make it easy for you!

SealEco is part of Nordic Waterproofing Group. Our 1200 employees aim to meet and exceed your expectations. A turnover of more than 300 million EUR guarantees us sufficient financial capacity to bring every project to a successful conclusion.

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We create sustainable, outstanding solutions that will establish us as market leader.

Business concept

SealEco provides tailor-made sealing solutions for building envelope and lining applications, improving efficiency and durability, with environmental benefits.


Achieving healthy growth by creating a unique offer for the market.

Core Values

SealEco EPDM Core Values


We endeavour to be truthful and follow high moral standards in our daily business. As a part of our decision making process, we always consider and strive to limit the impact on the environment.


We always try to put ourselves in our customer’s position. We also work closely with our partners and develop them through effective team work, both within and outside our organisation.


We shall deliver quality in everything we do. We take responsibility, have the integrity and the required knowledge and capabilities to deliver the solutions that our customers need.

Beste klant,

Gezien de nieuwe maatregelen van onze overheid om het Covid-19 virus het hoofd te bieden, zijn wij genoodzaakt duidelijk te communiceren omtrent onze werking.

  • SealEco blijft open en zal blijven zorgen voor de distributie van onze producten en dit tot zo lang de maatregelen dit toelaten.
  • Prefabricatie gaat gewoon door en zal worden uitgeleverd na uw bestelling.
  • Afhalingen zijn niet meer mogelijk, tenzij op voorhand besteld.
  • Onze Academy sluit zijn deuren. Alle opleidingen, opstarten en controles worden voor onbepaalde tijd opgeschort.

Uiteraard steeds met oog op de gezondheid van onze medewerkers, hun familie en onze klanten en hun naasten.

SealEco Belgium nv