
There is something magical about water. A garden pond is a focal point and enhances the appearance of any garden. With SealEco’s GreenSeal rubber membrane you can design your own pond just as you like it. You then get a long-lasting, stunning feature for your garden.

Rubber membranes have been used for waterproofing on roofs, reservoirs and channels for over 40 years. The history of the material is a guarantee in itself.  In contrast to plastic, a rubber membrane is highly elastic.  It can be elongated up to 300% without changing the properties, giving minimal risk for leakage.

GreenSeal pond liner is available both as standard panels and made to measure to fit the size of your pond. Sizes up to approx. 800 sqm can be supplied as a single panel.

GreenSeal is not harmed by UV-radiation from the sun, constant contact with water, vegetation or micro organisms. The strength and flexibility are unchanged from the warmest to the coldest of climates. GreenSeal is also chemically stable and does not contain any softeners or other chemicals harmful to the environment. You can be confident that fish and other animals as well as plants are unaffected by the membrane.

With GreenSeal you will have a problem-free garden pond for decades.

Beste klant,

Gezien de nieuwe maatregelen van onze overheid om het Covid-19 virus het hoofd te bieden, zijn wij genoodzaakt duidelijk te communiceren omtrent onze werking.

  • SealEco blijft open en zal blijven zorgen voor de distributie van onze producten en dit tot zo lang de maatregelen dit toelaten.
  • Prefabricatie gaat gewoon door en zal worden uitgeleverd na uw bestelling.
  • Afhalingen zijn niet meer mogelijk, tenzij op voorhand besteld.
  • Onze Academy sluit zijn deuren. Alle opleidingen, opstarten en controles worden voor onbepaalde tijd opgeschort.

Uiteraard steeds met oog op de gezondheid van onze medewerkers, hun familie en onze klanten en hun naasten.

SealEco Belgium nv