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SuperSeal is a unique, fleece-backed and thermally weldable EPDM membrane. This makes the EPDM membrane extremely suitable for both mechanical fastening and adhesion. The Thermobond seam joint technique ensures that the welded seam has the same characteristics, such as strength, elasticity and flexibility of the membrane itself. SuperSeal EPDM is fast to install and ensures a wrinkle-free result.

SealEco Ltd EPDM Sandgate School Kendal SuperSeal

Mechanical fastening (SuperSeal FRT)
Installation of the SuperSeal system is very efficient. It can be applied to various surfaces such as profiled steel sheet with various types of insulation, wooden load floors and aerated concrete. Plastic fastener tubes are used when using soft insulation types. The SuperSeal roofing membrane is always laid with an overlap of 120mm. Thereafter the SuperSeal roofing sheets are welded together with automatic hot air welding machines. The heat welding technique also means that welding is possible in freezing cold temperatures and in the presence of fog or mist.  With all mechanically fastened roofs, a pull-out test must be carried out to determine the correct number of fasteners.

Adhered roofs (SuperSeal FRT)
For adhered applications, the SuperSeal roofing membrane is fixed with PU adhesive. The adhesive is applied to the roof surface in a series of lines or beads. The SuperSeal roofing membranes are laid with an overlap of 50mm. Then the seams are welded with hot air welding machines. Suitable substrates are: bitumen, insulation, wood, concrete and aerated concrete. The surface must be clean, dry and free from loose particles. The minimum processing temperature is 5°C. Always consult in advance whether the substrate is suitable for bonding.

Adhered with warm bitumen (SuperSeal FRT)
The SuperSeal roofing membrane is fixed at least 50% in a hot modified bitumen. The use of oxidised bitumen with a melting temperature of less than 100°C is possible but only on very stable substrates, without any risk of structural and thermal movement. This application requires a dry and clean surface and good weather conditions.

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