Start » Systems » Flat Roofing systems » AluShell


AluShell is a high-quality self-adhesive vapour barrier composed of a reinforced aluminium foil, a self-adhesive layer of high polymer SBS and a siliconised protective film. Due to its high resistance to water vapour permeability is used for almost all flat roofs, in combination with most interior climate conditions.


  • Fast application
    The most significant advantage of AluShell is that it is effortless to apply on almost any surface. Splices can be made by pressing two sheets onto each other.
  • Solid vapour barrier
    The glass fibre reinforcement scrim provides exceptional strength to AluShell, meaning that even on profiled sheeting, it can be walked on without tearing, which substantially reduces the risk of vapour leaks.
  • High- and immediate tack
    The strength of the adhesive layer based on high polymeric SBS bitumen is very high and instantaneous after application, which certainly has advantages in windy conditions.
  • Cold Adhered System
    AluShell is installed without the use of a naked flame or hot air. The self-adhesive layer makes the seam connections watertight and airtight immediately after rolling. The need for a torch to install decent vapour barriers is history.
  • Temporary waterproofing
    After applying AluShell, the roof is protected immediately against all kinds of weather influences. We recommend, however installing the roofing membrane immediately. Alushell is not a waterproofing layer.

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