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RubberTop EPDM is an unreinforced EPDM membrane for waterproofing roofs. It has mulitple installation methods and can be used for ballasted and adhered roofs. RubberTop panels are available in a wide range of standard roll widths, with the great advantage that making seams on location is kept to a minimum.

Ballasted roofs (RubberTop)
RubberTop membrane can be laid loose on the roof surface and covered with ballast or sufficient gravel, in accordance with current local regulations. The ballast layer, in addition to providing the means of securement, also provides additional fire protection. Gravel also slows down the rate of rain water flow to drainage systems. If done correctly, the chance of clogging by leaves is less than with unballasted roofs. For ballasted roofs, the substructure must be suitable for the applicable weight.

Adhered roofs (Rubbertop LFR)
Adhesion of the RubberTop membrane is mainly used for lightweight roof construction and roofs with an element of slope. The RubberTop membrane is partially adhered to the substrate with either Polyurethane or MS Polymer Adhesive, both of which are applied in a series of lines or beads to to the surface. The RubberTop membrane can also be fully adhered to the substrate with sprayable contact adhesive. The sprayable contact adhesive is applied to both the membrane and the substrate. RubberTop membranes can be adhered to various substrates such as concrete, steel, wood, suitable insulation or old bituminous roofs, provided they are clean, dry, in good condition and well-secured.  Always consult prior to installation whether the substrate is suitable for bonding.

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