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RubberTop Flex

RubberTop Flex offers you an innovative substitute for lead by means of an expanded metal that is covered with durable EPDM compound. The RubberTop Flex EPDM materials are especially developed as a substitute for lead in maintaining both the flexible characteristics of traditional lead as well as the durability of EPDM.

RubberTop Flex is perfectly applicable in facades, under window frames and alongside dormers.

Product Advantages

  • Environmentally friendly
    RubberTop Flex consist of expanded metal which is encapsulated in an EPDM compound. The materials can be separated upon use and are fully recyclable.
  • Flexible
    RubberTop Flex is very flexible and can be formed into many shapes without affecting performance.
  • Light weight
    RubberTop Flex has a weight of 2.8 kg/m² and RubberTop Wave of 3.3 kg/m².
  • Long roll length
    Due to the composition of the material, RubberTop Flex can be applied in one single piece up to a maximum length of 10 metre. 
  • Quick and simple to apply   
    Due to the lightweight combination of the composition of the material and roll lengths, RubberTop Flex and RubberTop Wave can be quickly and simply applied.  

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